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Fisher-Price Snuga Swing Recall Alert

Fisher-Price Snuga Swing Recall Alert


Recently, more than 2 million Fisher-Price Snuga Swings were recalled due to suffocation hazards. These swings were linked to five infant fatalities when the product was used for sleep.

What happened?

While the defendants have attempted to place blame on parents or caretakers for adding bedding to the swing or leaving the infant unrestrained, the true danger lies in the product’s inclined design.

The incline of the Snuga Swing can cause an infant’s head to fall forward, restricting their airway. During the first few months of life, an infant’s neck muscles are not strong enough to keep their airway clear, making these swings unsuitable—and potentially deadly—for sleep.

What should you do?

The CPSC warns that all models of the Snuga Swing, as well as any inclined seated product, including gliders, soothers, swings and rockers, should never be used for sleep, and that bedding materials should never be added due to the risk of suffocation. 

If you or someone you know has a Snuga Swing, it is urgent that you take the following steps:

  • Stop using the product immediately.
  • Check the model number on the product label to see if your swing is included in the recall.
  • Remove the headrest and body support insert from the seat pad and contact Mattel for a partial refund.
  • If you use similar products, carefully read the safety and operation instructions (either in the packaging or online) to ensure proper use, and never use these products for sleep.


It’s up to us to protect our kids

Because infants cannot look after themselves, it’s up to manufacturers — and us — to act in their interest.

Manufacturers have a responsibility to clearly warn that these products must never be used for sleep and inform consumers of the importance of placing infants on a flat, firm surface for safe sleep. These guidelines align with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

In addition, manufacturers should operate with the understanding that their products are often sold second-hand or are gifted, without packaging and instructions. It is imperative that they go beyond simple warnings and implement design standards that anticipate the potential harmful impacts that can easily result from common usage.

Help us ensure higher child product safety standards

The recall of the Snuga Swing is a sobering reminder of the devastating consequences of unsafe design and inadequate warnings. Child-focused products must meet the highest safety standards, and when they fall short, accountability is essential.

At Payne Mitchell Ramsey, we work to hold manufacturers responsible for their negligence and strive to raise the bar for product safety standards to protect consumers.

If you or someone you know has been impacted by the Fisher-Price Snuga Swing or a similar defective product, reach out to us today.
