Jim Mitchell & Andrew Bullard Obtain Jury Verdict of $10.8 Million Against Oncor
Congratulations to Payne Mitchell Ramsey partner, Jim Mitchell, and attorney Andrew Bullard for obtaining a jury verdict of $10.8 million against Oncor Electric Company.
Their client, Robert, was hired to trim tree limbs extending over a homeowner’s shed close to Oncor power lines. When Robert’s saw made contact with the overgrown limb, he was severely electrocuted and burned. This tragic incident left Robert disabled and suffering from chronic pain and nerve damage. He will soon have to undergo an amputation of his left hand and will require a prosthetic.
It is Oncor’s responsibility to maintain the vegetation around its lines, yet they repeatedly failed to do so, despite knowing they had an ongoing vegetation problem along these power lines long before Robert began trimming limbs. Oncor even marked the tree as safe to remove, communicating to the property owner that it was safe for him to be working on this tree along those lines, knowing it in fact was not.
Oncor refused to accept accountability and finally offered a $400k settlement. After a two-week trial, the jury rightfully awarded our client $10.8 million for his lifelong disability, pain, suffering and extensive medical expenses as a result of Oncor’s negligence.